Delightful magical creatures are featured in Certified International's "Christmas Gnomes", designed by the popular artist Susan Winget. This whimsical collection, decorated with colorful gnomes in their holiday hats, frolicking in the snow, includes ceramic dinnerware, serveware and 3-d accessories. Be sure to get the charming handpainted Christmas Gnome 3-d cookie jar, a decorative and fun way to store your favorite holiday cookies and treats.Features:
- Includes: One (1) Rectangular Platter 16" x 12"
- Made With Durable Earthenware
- Featuring Assorted Adorable Holiday Gnomes
- Perfect for Holiday Dining and Entertaining
- Great for Holiday Gifts
- Use and Care: Dishwasher Safe
- Platter dimensions: 16 inches width x 12 inches depth x 1.25 inches height